Practice Areas

Why hire an attorney?

Family Law covers a wide scope of issues – and in some cases, there is overlap with other areas of law. Hiring an attorney may be the best way to alleviate stress, shorten the length of your case, and ensure that your needs are being considered by the court. Danbury Law Group represents cases in many facets under the scope of family law – the best way to get started is calling for a case evaluation.

Child Custody and Legal Decision Making

At Danbury Law Group, we understand the important bond between a Parent and Child and whether it be through divorce, modification, or to establish parental rights the process can be a toll on the child and family.  Parenting time is the amount of time each parent will have with the children, however, many factors can impact what that time may be. Legal decision making encompasses health care, education, religious training, and personal care. Like parenting time there are many factors that could impact who gets to make legal decisions for the children.

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Divorces and Dissolutions

Divorce can be a highly emotional and trying time. Each and every person is unique and therefore each and every divorce is unique and requires special attention. Here at Danbury Law Group, we will use all our resources needed to help you try to achieve your goals and desired outcomes.

Modification and Enforcement

Sudden life changes have a way of happening to those that least expect it. It can be the need to modify child/spousal support payments due to a change in circumstance, or the need for fast action, to enforce due to a parties failure to follow a current order. One may also need to understand the legal ramifications should they wish to move and modify a current order regarding parenting time and legal decision making.  Our firm is ready to ensure our clients are prepared for any changes that effects their way of life, whether it is enforcing an agreement set by the courts or seeking a formal modification

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